张润森,男,1989年9月生,河北保定人,中共党员,工学博士,校聘副教授。以第一作者发表sci学术论文5篇。 研究方向:微纳米力学,分子动力学模拟 教育经历: 2008.09-2012.07 燕山大学 工程力学专业 获工学学士学位 2012.09-2015.07 燕山大学 力学专业 获工学硕士学位 2017.09-2021.09 上海大学 固体力学专业 获工学博士学位
1. run-sen zhang, jin-wu jiang. (2019). the art of designing carbon allotropes. frontiers of physics. (sci 二区,if=3.563)
2. run-sen zhang, hai-yan cao, jin-wu jiang. (2020). tunable thermal expansion coefficient of transition-metal dichalcogenide lateral heterostructures. nanotechnology. (sci 二区,if=3.874)
3. run-sen zhang, jin-wu jiang, bing-shen wang. (2020) "physical description of the monoclinic phase of zirconia based on the bond-order characteristic of the tersoff potential". frontiers of physics. (sci 二区,if=3.563)
4. run-sen zhang, jin-wu jiang. (2021) “effect of misfit strain on the buckling of graphene/mos2 van der waals heterostructures”. nanotechnology. (sci 二区,if=3.874)
5. run-sen zhang jin-wu jiang and xihua guo. effect of misfit strain on the thermal expansion coefficient of graphene/mos2 van der waals heterostructures.(2021). physical chemistry chemical physics.(sci 二区, if=3.676)