主讲课程: 《新能源技术与应用》、《设施农业工程》等本科课程和《外文科技论文翻译与写作》等研究生课程。 教育经历: 2015.09-2018.06,中国农业大学 生物质工程专业获农学博士学位。 2012.09-2015.06,西北大学 生物工程专业获工程硕士学位。 2008.09-2012.06,河北理工大学轻工学院 生物技术专业获理学学士学位。 科研项目: 1.2020-2022,河北省青年基金(e2020204023):厌氧发酵体系中互营菌群与产甲烷菌的响应机制研究,主持人。 2.2019-2022,河北省重点研发计划(19223811d):蔬菜废弃物高质量腐熟肥料化高效利用关键技术研发,第3主研人。 3.2018-2023,河北农业大学人才引进专项(yj201831)农业废弃物厌氧发酵与好氧堆肥耦合工艺研究,主持人。 4.2020-2021,林学学科项目(xk1008601579),生物质能源方向,主要参与人。 代表性论文: 1.jianjun hao, shufei jia, hao sun1, gaopan chen, jiaxing zhang, yubin zhao,yang song, jianguo zhao, yaya wang1,5*, shuang liu, effects of cow manure ratios on methane production and microbial community evolution in anaerobic co-digestion with different crop wastes. int j agric & biol eng, 2022, 15 (5), 219-228.(二区) 2.yaya wang,jiaxing zhang, yangyang li, shufei jia, yang song, yanbo sun, zehui zheng, jiadong yu, zongjun cui, jianjun hao, guoxue li(*), methane production from the co-digestion of pig manure and corn stoverwith the addition of cucumber residue: role of the total solids content andfeedstock-to-inoculum ratio. bioresource technology, 2020, 123172.(一区top) 3.yaya wang, jiaxing zhang, yanbo sun, jiadong yu, zehui zheng, shuyan li, zongjun cui, jianjun hao, guoxue li(*), effects of intermittent mixing mode on solid state anaerobic digestion of agricultural wastes. chemosphere, 2020, 126055.(二区top) 4.carbon nanomaterials induce residue degradation and increase methane production from livestock manure in an anaerobic digestion system., 2019, 240, 118257. (共同一作)(一区top) 5.yaya wang, guoxue li(*), menghao chi, yanbo sun, jiaxing zhang, shixu jiang, zongjun cui, effects of co-digestion of cucumber residues to corn stover and pig manure ratio on methane production in solid state anaerobic digestion. bioresource technology, 2018, 250, 328~336.(一区top) 6.yaya wang, bing zang, xiaoyan gong, yu liu, guoxue li(*), effects of ph buffering agents on the anaerobic hydrolysis acidification stage of kitchen waste. waste management, 2017, 68, 603~609.(二区) 7.yaya wang, bing zang, guoxue li(*), yu liu, 2016. evaluation the anaerobic hydrolysis acidification stage of kitchen waste by ph regulation. waste management. 53, 62~67.(二区) 8.yaya wang, bing zang, guoxue li(*), yu liu, classification and management of kitchen waste: disposals and pr oposals in chaoyang district, beijing, china. journal of material cycles and waste management, 2018,(四区) 9.王雅雅,陈高攀,孙浩,刘双,王超,郝建军.基于edem的分仓立式好氧堆肥反应器设计与试验. 2023, 39 (3):171-179. 10.孙浩,陈高攀,刘双,王超,侯俊英,王雅雅.基于厌氧发酵混合原料流变特性的cfd流场模拟分析. 2023, 2023,44 (08):542-549. 代表性专利 1.王雅雅;孙浩;陈高攀;李源源;贾亚津;一种采用添加丙酸钠驯化厌氧发酵体系微生物群落提高产气量的方法及其应用, 2022-5-28,中国, 2022210595002.4. 2.王雅雅;孙浩;陈高攀;刘双;王超;李源源;贾亚津;一种厌氧发酵联合好氧堆肥的固体废弃物处理装置, 2022-7-12,中国, zl202123314263.4. 3.王雅雅;陈高攀;孙浩;刘双;王超;李源源;贾亚津;一种分仓式好氧堆肥反应器, 2022-1-4,中国, zl202122346911.8. 4.王雅雅;李源源;陈高攀;贾亚津;刘双;王超;刘梦希;一种分层式堆肥尾气除臭装置, 2023-07-14,中国, cn219333739u. 办公地址: 河北农业大学(东校区)机电工程学院336室 凯发k8手机客户端的联系方式:jdwyy@hebau.edu.cn |